The workload of school staff is ever increasing and the importance to reduce the time spent on unnecessary administrative tasks is paramount. helloData was born out of a frustration of the time it takes to extract internal assessment data from a schools MIS. Many schools have purchased expensive assessment packages instead of using what they already have. We wanted to create a system which would enable schools to use the functionality of the MIS and have intuitive, data rich analytics at the same time.
helloData is a web-based Power BI reporting tool which enables schools to quickly analyse and report on internal assessment data with whatever assessment framework your school uses. For those that want an off-the-shelf package, we also provide a set of resources in SIMS, Integris and Arbor to enter the data which feeds into the helloData reports. For academies and groups of schools there is also a multi school version available. Finally, we provide an anonymised version for user with school Governors.
The product is now used by schools across the country who report that it has saved hours and even days of time in extracting data and producing analysis reports. helloData is so easy to use that the additional cost of training is not required. The subscription includes access to a support desk, documentation, regular newsletters and attendance at our user group network meetings.
For further information visit www.hello-data.co.uk or to arrange a demonstration please email me at kim.marczak@hello-data.co.uk